There is a new group from the University of Calgary that is developing a new Sit Ski with a focus on affordable, they are looking at bringing it to market for around $1500.00 can.
Here is a short news segment on it, oh and I got to be the tester for this new ski so I get some screen time.
Global News Sit Ski Clip
Calgary Herald Sit Ski Clip
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Las Vegas Half Marathon 1 hour 32 min
Viva Las Vegas!!
Had a good training camp down in Vegas last week did some good training rides on Thursday and Friday, came home with an extra $50 bucks oh and did the half marathon.
I have to say that the race was organized much better this year they had 26,000 runners.
Race day was a cold 2 degrees as the start and I don't think it got much warmer, we were treated to group of skydivers at the start jumping in the dark at 6am then fireworks to start the race big show and fun to see.
After the first 10km or so I though to myself I really don't like the racing chair its not very comfortable and I am not very strong at it but I had to get it done.
The course was mostly flat, the first 10km was slightly down hill the last of it was slightly up hill but over all a good fast course.
One of the highlights of the race was the rock bands every 3km or so they added a great touch and kept the motivation going, also the crowds were great lots and lots of energy and on a cold day in Vegas it was great to see so many people out.
Finished in 1hour and 32 min, 24 min faster then the Victoria Half so I am happy with the result just have to get another 45 min faster as I would like to be able to do the half in under 1hour.
Had a good training camp down in Vegas last week did some good training rides on Thursday and Friday, came home with an extra $50 bucks oh and did the half marathon.
I have to say that the race was organized much better this year they had 26,000 runners.
Race day was a cold 2 degrees as the start and I don't think it got much warmer, we were treated to group of skydivers at the start jumping in the dark at 6am then fireworks to start the race big show and fun to see.
After the first 10km or so I though to myself I really don't like the racing chair its not very comfortable and I am not very strong at it but I had to get it done.
The course was mostly flat, the first 10km was slightly down hill the last of it was slightly up hill but over all a good fast course.
One of the highlights of the race was the rock bands every 3km or so they added a great touch and kept the motivation going, also the crowds were great lots and lots of energy and on a cold day in Vegas it was great to see so many people out.
Finished in 1hour and 32 min, 24 min faster then the Victoria Half so I am happy with the result just have to get another 45 min faster as I would like to be able to do the half in under 1hour.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
First Paraplegic Ski Patroller in Canada
One year late but last year I became the first paraplegic in Canada to be become a ski Patroller, and just last week I re-certified to maintain my certification.
So what did I do for this and what is my current status?
Well my story starts at the information session last year, I met Geoff Scotton the president for the Calgary Ski Patrol Zone he was of coarse unsure about my participation in the course as it had not been done before.
Well Geoff called me back and said that I could take the course but I would not be able to continue after that, I was fine with that as I had really not expected to be able to do that much.
So during the course an 80+ hour course I was able to demonstrate that I had the skills to continue on after the classroom sessions, at that point Geoff let me know that they would let me continue until I was not able to perform at a level that they require just like everyone else so that was great news to me.
I passed the the written test, I passed the diagnostic scenario test. I have to say this would not have been possible with out the support of the amazing instructors, after that I just had to pass the on snow testing to finish.
The on snow testing was an assessment of my skiing ability and my ability to pull a toboggan down the hill. This is were is gets tough I don't ski like your typical Patroller but I do have to use some of the same skills such as turn initiation, weighting and unweighting in a turn I was passed with my skiing ability.
Next was pulling a toboggan down a hill this was tough but I did it and it was the first time it was done. I did it with at tail gunner who is a person that ski's behind the toboggan with a rope attached to the back of it to help maintain control.
I had planned to patrol at Nakiska if I was able to so I attended the returning Patroller weekend, we did scenarios through out the first day, the second day we did lift evacuations that was the first time I was evacuated in the sit ski I was a little nervous but it was all good.
Unfortunately this is were I finished I attend the ski around day at Nakiska with the Patrollers, this allows them to see if I would be a fit and to see my abilities. During one of the last runs I was dropped off the gold lift this caused some serious damage to my shoulder, that was my last day of skiing for the year.
But now I am back and feeling better then ever, I hope to be able to continue were I left off at Nakiska I hope to start out doing some sessions in the Patrol hut and if I am able to, start patrolling on the hill itself in some sort of capacity.
As of last year I finishes as an Associate Patroller not an active Patroller as I did not end up patrolling at a ski hill last year.
I have to give a huge thanks and shout out to Geoff, the whole Calgary zone and the Canadian ski patrol system for taking a chance and being leaders in allowing me the chance to become a Patroller they could have just as easily said no.
So what did I do for this and what is my current status?
Well my story starts at the information session last year, I met Geoff Scotton the president for the Calgary Ski Patrol Zone he was of coarse unsure about my participation in the course as it had not been done before.
Well Geoff called me back and said that I could take the course but I would not be able to continue after that, I was fine with that as I had really not expected to be able to do that much.
So during the course an 80+ hour course I was able to demonstrate that I had the skills to continue on after the classroom sessions, at that point Geoff let me know that they would let me continue until I was not able to perform at a level that they require just like everyone else so that was great news to me.
I passed the the written test, I passed the diagnostic scenario test. I have to say this would not have been possible with out the support of the amazing instructors, after that I just had to pass the on snow testing to finish.
The on snow testing was an assessment of my skiing ability and my ability to pull a toboggan down the hill. This is were is gets tough I don't ski like your typical Patroller but I do have to use some of the same skills such as turn initiation, weighting and unweighting in a turn I was passed with my skiing ability.
Next was pulling a toboggan down a hill this was tough but I did it and it was the first time it was done. I did it with at tail gunner who is a person that ski's behind the toboggan with a rope attached to the back of it to help maintain control.
I had planned to patrol at Nakiska if I was able to so I attended the returning Patroller weekend, we did scenarios through out the first day, the second day we did lift evacuations that was the first time I was evacuated in the sit ski I was a little nervous but it was all good.
Unfortunately this is were I finished I attend the ski around day at Nakiska with the Patrollers, this allows them to see if I would be a fit and to see my abilities. During one of the last runs I was dropped off the gold lift this caused some serious damage to my shoulder, that was my last day of skiing for the year.
But now I am back and feeling better then ever, I hope to be able to continue were I left off at Nakiska I hope to start out doing some sessions in the Patrol hut and if I am able to, start patrolling on the hill itself in some sort of capacity.
As of last year I finishes as an Associate Patroller not an active Patroller as I did not end up patrolling at a ski hill last year.
I have to give a huge thanks and shout out to Geoff, the whole Calgary zone and the Canadian ski patrol system for taking a chance and being leaders in allowing me the chance to become a Patroller they could have just as easily said no.
Ski season has started
Spent last night ripping up Canada Olympic Park, OK you don't really rip up COP but it had been 10 months since I had been on the ski.
It felt really good getting back in the bucket after my shoulder injury last year at Nakiska after getting dropped off the gold chair lift, and oh so happy that they have replaced the gold lift with a new detachable.
I have a feeling that its going to be a great ski season can't wait to get into the mountains again to really shred it up.
Here is some old video from my first season of skiing
Ski Video one
Ski Video Two
It felt really good getting back in the bucket after my shoulder injury last year at Nakiska after getting dropped off the gold chair lift, and oh so happy that they have replaced the gold lift with a new detachable.
I have a feeling that its going to be a great ski season can't wait to get into the mountains again to really shred it up.
Here is some old video from my first season of skiing
Ski Video one
Ski Video Two
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Almost 10 Years, Gotta Plan
So I have been thinking of what I should do on the 10 year anniversary of the accident that changed my life.
After 10 hours in surgery and from what I understand close to passing away I started my new life as a person with a SCI, this as you can imagine was quite a new change for me but I was determined to live my life finishing up school and getting a job. (A later post will contain more details)
So what to do for the 10 year anniversary have a party, have a drink?
I have decided to do something that I have been wanting to do since I was 16 and that being IRONMAN Canada, I still remember watching this race live and thinking that one day I would do it. That day will be in 2011 to celebrate all the life that I have lived since 2001. I hope to have as much family there as they have all supported me through this process and know that seeing them and my kids at the finish line when I roll on through will be one of the greatest days of my life.
After 10 hours in surgery and from what I understand close to passing away I started my new life as a person with a SCI, this as you can imagine was quite a new change for me but I was determined to live my life finishing up school and getting a job. (A later post will contain more details)
So what to do for the 10 year anniversary have a party, have a drink?
I have decided to do something that I have been wanting to do since I was 16 and that being IRONMAN Canada, I still remember watching this race live and thinking that one day I would do it. That day will be in 2011 to celebrate all the life that I have lived since 2001. I hope to have as much family there as they have all supported me through this process and know that seeing them and my kids at the finish line when I roll on through will be one of the greatest days of my life.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Victoria Half Marathon Champion
Race Weekend recap
Had a good flight out to Victoria I got upgraded to executive class so that was a good start to the weekend, checked into a nice room at the Grand Pacific thanks to my friend Amanda for the room hookup.
Headed out to the expo picked up my race package and I was able to move from the full marathon to the half and this turned out to be a great thing.
Spent the evening with my fellow racer Glen and our coach Steve on the patio overlooking the bay drinking ice cold water.
Saturday got the wheelchair together and ready to go for Sunday then had lunch with Amanda, she offered to show me the course. Now I was expecting a flat course I figured when the website says fast Boston qualifying times I'm thinking flat, I was wrong I heard the world rolling and that it was very rolling with some steep sections I new that it was going to really challenge me.
Got up early on Sunday headed down and did some warming up, then off to the start line and off I went, I am pretty sure that were not ready to for me as they still had some roads closed off but I did get a police escort for a while.
After the first 3km up hill I was caught by the runners I expected it and received lots of encouragement so that was all good, at around the 10km mark I was thinking hmmm good thing I am only doing the half, at about 11km mark I was thinking what the heck am I doing out here my arms were getting rubbery and I was having trouble lifting them, at the 12km mark I was feeling better for the rest of the race I felt good and bad but kept pushing through it.
Crossed the finish line and I must not have looked very good as they kept asking me if I was ok, I got my finishers medal and headed back to the room.
Post race went to the awards and found out that they did not have my chip time so I went off my computer 1:56 slower then I wanted but considering the conditions of the course I feel ok with it.
I received my first trophy that Jack has been wanting since I started racing and he was very happy to receive it when I got home, its now his trophy and he is very proud of it.
Post race had a hot tub, sangria on a patio and some wine.
The next day I was pretty sore but better then I thought I had a good flight back to Calgary Glen and I both got bumped to executive class can't get much better then that.
POST RACE thoughts
I am very happy that I was able to move into the Half the Full would have been less then fun it was the right choice, I think that this was a great first race in the chair and prepare me for Vegas in Dec, I will now have to get some rollers and get training for it as I don't role so well in the snow.
Next race Vegas baby!!!!!!!!
Had a good flight out to Victoria I got upgraded to executive class so that was a good start to the weekend, checked into a nice room at the Grand Pacific thanks to my friend Amanda for the room hookup.
Headed out to the expo picked up my race package and I was able to move from the full marathon to the half and this turned out to be a great thing.
Spent the evening with my fellow racer Glen and our coach Steve on the patio overlooking the bay drinking ice cold water.
Saturday got the wheelchair together and ready to go for Sunday then had lunch with Amanda, she offered to show me the course. Now I was expecting a flat course I figured when the website says fast Boston qualifying times I'm thinking flat, I was wrong I heard the world rolling and that it was very rolling with some steep sections I new that it was going to really challenge me.
Got up early on Sunday headed down and did some warming up, then off to the start line and off I went, I am pretty sure that were not ready to for me as they still had some roads closed off but I did get a police escort for a while.
After the first 3km up hill I was caught by the runners I expected it and received lots of encouragement so that was all good, at around the 10km mark I was thinking hmmm good thing I am only doing the half, at about 11km mark I was thinking what the heck am I doing out here my arms were getting rubbery and I was having trouble lifting them, at the 12km mark I was feeling better for the rest of the race I felt good and bad but kept pushing through it.
Crossed the finish line and I must not have looked very good as they kept asking me if I was ok, I got my finishers medal and headed back to the room.
Post race went to the awards and found out that they did not have my chip time so I went off my computer 1:56 slower then I wanted but considering the conditions of the course I feel ok with it.
I received my first trophy that Jack has been wanting since I started racing and he was very happy to receive it when I got home, its now his trophy and he is very proud of it.
Post race had a hot tub, sangria on a patio and some wine.
The next day I was pretty sore but better then I thought I had a good flight back to Calgary Glen and I both got bumped to executive class can't get much better then that.
POST RACE thoughts
I am very happy that I was able to move into the Half the Full would have been less then fun it was the right choice, I think that this was a great first race in the chair and prepare me for Vegas in Dec, I will now have to get some rollers and get training for it as I don't role so well in the snow.
Next race Vegas baby!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
RMR - Resting Metabolism Rate Testing
Got my RMR - Resting Metabolism Rate Testing done today, this is a test that is used to determine a persons baseline calories that they use in a day.
This test involved me sitting in a chair for about 30min while hooked up to a vent to gather my exhaled gasses, the toughest part of the test was the nose plug it was a little tight.
My results are as follows
RMR = 1579
The following numbers represent how I burn calories so looking at the numbers when resting I burn 21% carbohydrates and 79% fat this is good and indicates that I am active or I fooled the test :)
%CHO = 21
%FAT = 79
I also used an online calculator to see what the results would be but its very inaccurate and would not recommend using one, online result = 1712
So what does this all mean? Well I am trying to loose about 30lbs and knowing how many calories I need daily based on no activity will allow me to alter my diet to match my activity level to my food consumption.
I was tested at TCR Sport Lab in Calgary.
testing was done by Cory who was very helpful in explaining the procedure and results, after the test I had a nutritional consult with him that was very informative that I am sure will help me achieve my weight loss goal.
TCR Sport Lab has many other services and testing such as VO2 max, bike fittings, spin classes, Swim and run clinics so check them out.
This test involved me sitting in a chair for about 30min while hooked up to a vent to gather my exhaled gasses, the toughest part of the test was the nose plug it was a little tight.
My results are as follows
RMR = 1579
The following numbers represent how I burn calories so looking at the numbers when resting I burn 21% carbohydrates and 79% fat this is good and indicates that I am active or I fooled the test :)
%CHO = 21
%FAT = 79
I also used an online calculator to see what the results would be but its very inaccurate and would not recommend using one, online result = 1712
So what does this all mean? Well I am trying to loose about 30lbs and knowing how many calories I need daily based on no activity will allow me to alter my diet to match my activity level to my food consumption.
I was tested at TCR Sport Lab in Calgary.
testing was done by Cory who was very helpful in explaining the procedure and results, after the test I had a nutritional consult with him that was very informative that I am sure will help me achieve my weight loss goal.
TCR Sport Lab has many other services and testing such as VO2 max, bike fittings, spin classes, Swim and run clinics so check them out.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Calgary 70.3
Just signed up for the Calgary 70.3
August 1st, 2010 I will be doing my first Half Ironman Triathlon
August 1st, 2010 I will be doing my first Half Ironman Triathlon
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Training Update
Well I am now focused on training for the Victoria Marathon in the racing chair. I am not a big fan of the racing chair as its not nearly as comfortable to race in and not nearly as fast.
So not ever having gone farther then about 12km in my race chair I am feeling a little apprehensive about doing a full 42km in 14 days so I might see about changing to the half marathon once I get to registration, I am fairly sure that I could push the full 42km but I am pretty sure that I would not enjoy it and I do these races to not only push myself but to enjoy it also.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Whats Up Next
I have one full marathon and one half marathions that I will be doing my my race chair.
First the Royal Victoria Full Marathon on October the 11th
Second the Las Vegas Half Marathon on Dec 6th
Edit: I am now doing the Full Marathon in Victoria as the half is sold out, Hmmm go big or go home.
First the Royal Victoria Full Marathon on October the 11th
Second the Las Vegas Half Marathon on Dec 6th
Edit: I am now doing the Full Marathon in Victoria as the half is sold out, Hmmm go big or go home.
Provincial Hill Climb Championships
So yesterday was my last handcycle race of the season and what a painful but fun way to end it.
It was the Provincial Hill Climb Championships at the hill leading up to Mt Norquay ski resort, now I have never been up this hill so on my way to registration I drove it and thought to myself this could be a bad idea.
I did a quick warm up and got into the start area I felt good and I new that I would be setting a course record as no one on a handcycle has been dumb enough to do this climb.
I started the climb at 11:14 and within the first 500 meters I though "hmmm what if I just turned around and skipped this" well there was no way that was going to happen as my wife and kids where already at the top waiting for me to "ride" across the finish line and I already told my 4 year old that I was going to get a medal for him.
Greg the prez from my cycling club bicisport passed me which I expected but as I came around a switch back I saw his bike park on the side of the road, I thought why didn't he use the bathroom before the climb, turns out he stopped to take a photo of me suffering and to encourage me.
It was a tough climb when I was going fast enough for my computer to tell me the grade it was reading 8-12 percent and I am sure that some of the switch backs were even higher at least it felt that way, as I approached the 1km to go sign I noticed that I might be able to do this in under an hour so I pushed hard it was a long kilometer great to see people cheering on the last switch back including my coach Stephen Burke. The last 200 meters was down hill I think or it just felt that way I saw my wife and kids cheering me on as I charged the finish line in 1:00:31:08, just over 1 hour.
I road back to my family and my 4 year old gave me a piece of grass as a trophy.
The ride down back to the car was fast and a nice reward for doing the climb, my only issue was that I parked at the top of a hill so I had to climb back to it I won't make that mistake next year.
Thanks to all the volunteers and RMCC for putting on this event.
I can't wait till next year to break my time.
Also thanks to for giving me a shout-out on there blog, I am a speedtheory blog stalker and privileged to get my name on there.
It was the Provincial Hill Climb Championships at the hill leading up to Mt Norquay ski resort, now I have never been up this hill so on my way to registration I drove it and thought to myself this could be a bad idea.
I did a quick warm up and got into the start area I felt good and I new that I would be setting a course record as no one on a handcycle has been dumb enough to do this climb.
I started the climb at 11:14 and within the first 500 meters I though "hmmm what if I just turned around and skipped this" well there was no way that was going to happen as my wife and kids where already at the top waiting for me to "ride" across the finish line and I already told my 4 year old that I was going to get a medal for him.
Greg the prez from my cycling club bicisport passed me which I expected but as I came around a switch back I saw his bike park on the side of the road, I thought why didn't he use the bathroom before the climb, turns out he stopped to take a photo of me suffering and to encourage me.
It was a tough climb when I was going fast enough for my computer to tell me the grade it was reading 8-12 percent and I am sure that some of the switch backs were even higher at least it felt that way, as I approached the 1km to go sign I noticed that I might be able to do this in under an hour so I pushed hard it was a long kilometer great to see people cheering on the last switch back including my coach Stephen Burke. The last 200 meters was down hill I think or it just felt that way I saw my wife and kids cheering me on as I charged the finish line in 1:00:31:08, just over 1 hour.
I road back to my family and my 4 year old gave me a piece of grass as a trophy.
The ride down back to the car was fast and a nice reward for doing the climb, my only issue was that I parked at the top of a hill so I had to climb back to it I won't make that mistake next year.
Thanks to all the volunteers and RMCC for putting on this event.
I can't wait till next year to break my time.
Also thanks to for giving me a shout-out on there blog, I am a speedtheory blog stalker and privileged to get my name on there.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Provincial Time Trial Photos by Mark Kay
Just got some great shots of the Time Trial by Mark Kay.
Check out his site lots of other great photos.

Check out his site lots of other great photos.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Alberta Time Trial Champion
Great day today became the Alberta time trail champion!!
Attended a great event put on by the Speed Theory Cycling team here in Calgary.
The race took place on the soon to be open ring road in the NE, great 15km ride on a brand new road with no traffic.
This was the first race I did this year that had other handcyclist in my class HC C, there where 3 of us so I was not guarantied the win.
I started out behind one guy in my category with one starting right behind me, I started with the intention of catching the guy in front and did so at around 3 km into the race at this point my heart rate monitor was screaming at me, once I passed him I settled into a strong pace to make sure that I would not get caught by the one guy I passed and the one guy that started behind me. The ride out to the turn around was slightly uphill with a tail wind. Once around the turnaround I noted my time once I saw the first handcyclist, I was 1:20 min ahead and then saw the second guy and was over two min ahead. The ride back was slightly downhill with a head wind that seem to get stronger. I finished strong and definitely left it all on the course.
Got my official time and its a huge improvement over my time at the beginning of the year About 25% increase. Finished in 0:37:17.6 with an average speed of 24.14 - 73% of the national standard.
My average speed at the June 6th TT was 19.61
My next race will be the provincial hill climb championship were I plan to set a course record as long as I will this will happen as no handcyclist has done this race.
Attended a great event put on by the Speed Theory Cycling team here in Calgary.
The race took place on the soon to be open ring road in the NE, great 15km ride on a brand new road with no traffic.
This was the first race I did this year that had other handcyclist in my class HC C, there where 3 of us so I was not guarantied the win.
I started out behind one guy in my category with one starting right behind me, I started with the intention of catching the guy in front and did so at around 3 km into the race at this point my heart rate monitor was screaming at me, once I passed him I settled into a strong pace to make sure that I would not get caught by the one guy I passed and the one guy that started behind me. The ride out to the turn around was slightly uphill with a tail wind. Once around the turnaround I noted my time once I saw the first handcyclist, I was 1:20 min ahead and then saw the second guy and was over two min ahead. The ride back was slightly downhill with a head wind that seem to get stronger. I finished strong and definitely left it all on the course.
Got my official time and its a huge improvement over my time at the beginning of the year About 25% increase. Finished in 0:37:17.6 with an average speed of 24.14 - 73% of the national standard.
My average speed at the June 6th TT was 19.61
My next race will be the provincial hill climb championship were I plan to set a course record as long as I will this will happen as no handcyclist has done this race.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Calgary 70.3 Triathlon
I was a volunteer for it this year but plan on racing next year.
So I decided to volunteer for two reasons one was I wanted to help out in what would be a great event in Calgary and second I wanted to scout it out to see if I would be able to race it next year.
Now first I have to rant, I show up to pick up my volunteer shirt and band at the registration process and this guy directing people looks at me and says "So you not here to race are you" WTF I just let out a little smile and asked for the volunteer station. This is one of those times where I was just left bedazzled and came up with lots of other remarks after the fact. I hope he in there next year and says the same thing so I can run over his foot on the way to pick up my race package. Rant over
So got up at 4am to get to T1 to do body markings and police the bike mount, I have to say this was a blast if I did not plan to race next year I would totally volunteer again, everyone was great and had a good time the weather was perfect, I got really inspired to race next year.
Oh and best looking volunteer shirts, even my wife thinks they looked great!
So I decided to volunteer for two reasons one was I wanted to help out in what would be a great event in Calgary and second I wanted to scout it out to see if I would be able to race it next year.
Now first I have to rant, I show up to pick up my volunteer shirt and band at the registration process and this guy directing people looks at me and says "So you not here to race are you" WTF I just let out a little smile and asked for the volunteer station. This is one of those times where I was just left bedazzled and came up with lots of other remarks after the fact. I hope he in there next year and says the same thing so I can run over his foot on the way to pick up my race package. Rant over
So got up at 4am to get to T1 to do body markings and police the bike mount, I have to say this was a blast if I did not plan to race next year I would totally volunteer again, everyone was great and had a good time the weather was perfect, I got really inspired to race next year.
Oh and best looking volunteer shirts, even my wife thinks they looked great!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Calgary Marathon 2010
Just Signed up for the 2010 Calgary Marathon, my goal is to be under 2 hours, going to try for 1:45!!
Second Triathlon Lake Chaparral Sprint 2009
Well I did not drown in the first triathlon so that meant I had to do another
The swim was faster this time but due to my helpers sill playing at the beach when I was getting out of the water I lost a few minutes waiting for then and the wheelchair.
Transition to bike was good, the bike course was great but the hill was a bit much it was long a ran about 8% all the way up glad I only had to do it twice.
Transition to the chair was good but I found the course to be twisty the racing wheelchair does not like twisty.
Good race overall, I was faster then the last one overall and found out that if I wait until the end I get a medal and possible prise well I got my medal and won a pair of shoe's.
Overall a great event will be doing the Olympic distance next year.
Total Time - 209/223 1:55:39
Swim Time - 217/225 25:29
Bike Time -218/220 1:02:08
Roll/Run Time -38/222 28:03
The swim was faster this time but due to my helpers sill playing at the beach when I was getting out of the water I lost a few minutes waiting for then and the wheelchair.
Transition to bike was good, the bike course was great but the hill was a bit much it was long a ran about 8% all the way up glad I only had to do it twice.
Transition to the chair was good but I found the course to be twisty the racing wheelchair does not like twisty.
Good race overall, I was faster then the last one overall and found out that if I wait until the end I get a medal and possible prise well I got my medal and won a pair of shoe's.
Overall a great event will be doing the Olympic distance next year.
Total Time - 209/223 1:55:39
Swim Time - 217/225 25:29
Bike Time -218/220 1:02:08
Roll/Run Time -38/222 28:03
My First Triathlon Coral Springs Sprint 2009
I decide that I wanted to run a triathlon, actually I have always wanted to to one since I saw my first one in Penticton at Ironman Canada.
I decided to do the Coral Springs sprint Tri as I felt that the distance would be good mainly the swim, I would have had not problem with the run and bike but I am not a great swimmer.
So the swim was ok I backstroked most of the course but I did not get picked up by the boat and was not last out of the water.
The transition was good with the great support from my Dad and Brother they carried me from the water to my transition chair got me into the hand cycle and off for the bike.
The bike could have been fast but due to a very strong cross wind that felt like a head wind in both directions I just could not get the bike really rolling.
The role/run was good once I got into the grove I felt great I could have gone harder as I felt I could have done a few more laps the course was nice mostly flat with some small up and downs.
Total Time -123/125 2:09:42
Swim Time - 126/127 26:15
Bike Time - 125/125 1:18:20
Roll/Run Time - 24/125 25:09
I plan to do the Olympic Distance next time
I decided to do the Coral Springs sprint Tri as I felt that the distance would be good mainly the swim, I would have had not problem with the run and bike but I am not a great swimmer.
So the swim was ok I backstroked most of the course but I did not get picked up by the boat and was not last out of the water.
The transition was good with the great support from my Dad and Brother they carried me from the water to my transition chair got me into the hand cycle and off for the bike.
The bike could have been fast but due to a very strong cross wind that felt like a head wind in both directions I just could not get the bike really rolling.
The role/run was good once I got into the grove I felt great I could have gone harder as I felt I could have done a few more laps the course was nice mostly flat with some small up and downs.
Total Time -123/125 2:09:42
Swim Time - 126/127 26:15
Bike Time - 125/125 1:18:20
Roll/Run Time - 24/125 25:09
I plan to do the Olympic Distance next time
Calgary Ring Road 30km Time Trial
This was my first official time trial and it went well the course was great a five lane beautifully paved road not yet open to the public.
The race ended up delayed due to rain, snow and hail. I got a good start about 7km in I got hit by rain, snow and hail, not a big fan of hail.
Ok time for the race it was a little windy but a good first race for the season.
The race ended up delayed due to rain, snow and hail. I got a good start about 7km in I got hit by rain, snow and hail, not a big fan of hail.
Ok time for the race it was a little windy but a good first race for the season.
Calgary Marathon 2009
This was the first year wheelchairs and handcycles where allowed in the marathon and this being my home city it was a great time to compete in my second marathon.
It started off on great a little downhill section I lead everyone until the hill climb going up Shaganappi trail were I got caught by Glenn a local wheelchair racer. I chased him down and caught him just after the the ride back down the hill, from there I lead the race all the way to the finish.
I finished in just over 2:14 slower then my last marathon in Las Vegas at 2:02 but is was a harder course.
It started off on great a little downhill section I lead everyone until the hill climb going up Shaganappi trail were I got caught by Glenn a local wheelchair racer. I chased him down and caught him just after the the ride back down the hill, from there I lead the race all the way to the finish.
I finished in just over 2:14 slower then my last marathon in Las Vegas at 2:02 but is was a harder course.
Gotta Start Some Time
I have been a blog lurker for a while and have wanted to start one for some time so now is the time.
My first blog is about a magic date that date being May 24, 2001 at least I think that is the magic date.
What is so magic about this date, well that is a date that changed my life a little motorcycle accident and 3 months in the hospital leaving in a wheelchair with a new title to my name T12 Paraplegic.
So not to bore anyone that might read this I will give the quick rundown of what has happened since, Things that I feel at note worthy
1) Finished my Bachelor of Science degree - 2003
2) Got Married to my girlfriend at the time of my accident (Miranda) - 2001
3) Got a job working at a medical software company (CLINICARE) - 2003
4) Had kid number 1 Jackson David Martin - 2002
5) Had Kid number 2 Zachary Edward Martin - 2007
6) And I will say started this blog - 2009
I plan to use this blog to keep track of rants, accomplishments and success to share with anyone that might want to read about be but mostly to share with my kids as they grow older.
My first blog is about a magic date that date being May 24, 2001 at least I think that is the magic date.
What is so magic about this date, well that is a date that changed my life a little motorcycle accident and 3 months in the hospital leaving in a wheelchair with a new title to my name T12 Paraplegic.
So not to bore anyone that might read this I will give the quick rundown of what has happened since, Things that I feel at note worthy
1) Finished my Bachelor of Science degree - 2003
2) Got Married to my girlfriend at the time of my accident (Miranda) - 2001
3) Got a job working at a medical software company (CLINICARE) - 2003
4) Had kid number 1 Jackson David Martin - 2002
5) Had Kid number 2 Zachary Edward Martin - 2007
6) And I will say started this blog - 2009
I plan to use this blog to keep track of rants, accomplishments and success to share with anyone that might want to read about be but mostly to share with my kids as they grow older.
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