Saturday, October 3, 2009

RMR - Resting Metabolism Rate Testing

Got my RMR - Resting Metabolism Rate Testing done today, this is a test that is used to determine a persons baseline calories that they use in a day.

This test involved me sitting in a chair for about 30min while hooked up to a vent to gather my exhaled gasses, the toughest part of the test was the nose plug it was a little tight.

My results are as follows
RMR = 1579

The following numbers represent how I burn calories so looking at the numbers when resting I burn 21% carbohydrates and 79% fat this is good and indicates that I am active or I fooled the test :)

%CHO = 21
%FAT = 79

I also used an online calculator to see what the results would be but its very inaccurate and would not recommend using one, online result = 1712

So what does this all mean? Well I am trying to loose about 30lbs and knowing how many calories I need daily based on no activity will allow me to alter my diet to match my activity level to my food consumption.

I was tested at TCR Sport Lab in Calgary.

testing was done by Cory who was very helpful in explaining the procedure and results, after the test I had a nutritional consult with him that was very informative that I am sure will help me achieve my weight loss goal.

TCR Sport Lab has many other services and testing such as VO2 max, bike fittings, spin classes, Swim and run clinics so check them out.

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